In the twisting sequel to The Inheritance Games, we have Avery Grambs; a billionaire inherited teenager who still has no clue why she was chosen as the heiress of the Hawthorne family. After the first book ended with a surprising twist, in The Hawthorne Legacy Avery must now decide what her next steps need to be.
Personally, I was very excited to read this sequel after thoroughly enjoying the first book. Unfortunately, this one turned out to be very convoluted, scattered, and rather hard to follow as there were so many events happening at once. The family tree was the part that was most hard for me to follow, and it took me a long time to process who was who. This book was much slower-paced than the first and I found that it took me much longer to finish it than the first one. There were definitely some exciting moments, especially near the ending, that got me eager to keep reading but they never really lasted for a long time. It was a good book to fill time and read a couple different riddles, but I don’t believe that it progresses the story as much as I thought it would.
As far as the series goes, a third and final book just got released! I will be reading it to see how the story ends as I feel like the sequel was really just a setup for the final book. Overall, this book was pretty good as one major twist is revealed, but all in all I think it could have been written a little more simply.
Written by Brianna
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